Transferring Co-Operative Study Programs ("Duales Studium") from Germany to the Middle East

I am currently exploring the opportunities to transfer elements of the well-established system of co-operative studies (“duales Studium”) in Germany to the Middle East. Interestingly, a prominent Arab investor is fascinated by the fact that post-secondary education in Germany - different from many other countries in Europe and even more beyond - succeeds in creating employability opportunities to young people. 

A crucial facet of this system and an element which is easier to transfer to other Countries than other aspects are co-operative study programs which intertwine academic studies at the University with practical training in a co-operating company.

“Duales Studiengänge” (co-operative study programs) are defined by three key elements:

  1. They are “dual” in the sense of combining two places of learning and two different approaches to learning.
  2. They meet academic standards, guaranteed through accreditation processes.
  3. They lead to a two-fold qualification, linking theoretical knowledge with practical skills and experiences.

As an example: Based on a trilateral contract, the trainee/employee, the employing company and the University agree on the program, its curriculum and conditions. In a systematic way, phases of practical work and training in the company are followed by periods of academic studies. Thus, over a time of three years, the employee/trainee is lead to a BA degree plus a recognized practical qualification which usually go along with a very low risk of unemployment. From an employer perspective, co-operative studies ensure a tailor-made curriculum that is very close to the actual qualification needs in the company and which often could not be offered by the company alone.

As pre-conditions for programs like this, we will explore the openness of company partners in the Region, the opportunity to transfer established curricula, the interest of young people in a new form of education and the legislative framework.