e-Learning als globaler Wachstumsmarkt

IBIS Capital hat die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Lage im boomenden e-Learning-Markt sowie sich abzeichnende Trends in einer Info-Grafik zusammengestellt. Als "lessons for the future"  fasst das Unternehmen treffend zusammen:

  • "The rise in peer-to-peer platforms will result in large amounts of educational content becoming freely available. Business models will focus on delivering chargeable premium bespoke and ancillary services.
  • Learning will become increasingly personalised with e-Learning harnessing big data analytics to provide interactive learning that is tailored to the meet the individual’s learning patterns and aptitude
  • With the rise of mobile and tablet penetration, students will increasingly access content "anytime, anywhere". The classroom will become the arena for face-to-face tutoring of individual requirements and open discussion.
  • The need to improve skills, meet regulatory requirements and manage training costs will result in e-Learning becoming part of the fabric of virtually every business.
  • As the range of e-Learning offerings expand, the need for qualifications and standards to be recognised will become increasingly important. The accreditation will become unified over time and educational brands will reduce to a small number of global players.
  • The education process will continue throughout an individual’s life. Individuals will maintain a live log of their learning experiences from the time they start their studies and then on through their working lives."